Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Generic)

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18 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business Managers and Supervisors: (Hint: include things like providing proper personal protective equipment and training) All Employees: (Hint: include things like reporting hazards and looking out for one another) Bring Your Health & safety policy statement to Life Use this worksheet to create the outline for your health & safety policy statement. Answer the questions and watch your statement come to life. What is my health & safety promise? (E.g. As the owner/manager of XYZ Company, I am committed to maintaining a healthy and safe working environment for my employees, suppliers and customers… I want everyone who works here to be able to go home safely at the end of each work day…) how will we do this? We will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Everyone has responsibility for health & safety: sign it. Date it. Hang it up where employees will see it. Review your policy statement annually, or more frequently if something significant changes in your workplace. You may also want to include a paragraph on how you will maintain a workplace free from violence and harassment.

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