Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Generic)

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Page 18 of 43 19 post this, too Copy of the Occupational Health & Safety Act/Workplace Health & Safety Act Explanatory material (this is prepared by and available from the Ministry of Labour) "In Case of Injury" poster (this is prepared by and available from the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board) Valid First Aid Certificates Names and Locations of First Aiders Names and Locations of Health & Safety Representatives, or Joint Health & Safety Committee Members Emergency Phone Numbers (be sure to include dialling instructions if numbers are pre-programmed): Fire, Police, Ambulance Services Poison Control After Hours Company Contract City Works/Public Utilities Hydro Gas Ministry of Energy and Environment (Hazardous Spills) Ministry of Labour (in the event of workplace injury or work refusal) Step 2: Setting the Stage

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