Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Generic)

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Page 26 of 43 27 Incident Investigations Sometimes an incident is a "close call" — if circumstances had been slightly different, someone could have been seriously injured. It is important to investigate these "close calls" to prevent something more serious from happening in the future. Sometimes an incident does result in an injury. In this case, the first thing to do is to make sure that the injured person receives prompt medical attention. Every jurisdiction will have a process for reporting injuries to the workers' compensation authority. Make sure to familiarize yourself with these procedures. If an injury is serious enough to be deemed "critical", then it must also be reported to the Ministry of Labour and a formal investigation must be undertaken. The results of the investigation must be submitted to the Ministry of Labour within 48 hours. in ontario, an injury is considered critical under these circumstances: Fatal or life threatening Causes unconsciousness Significant blood loss Loss of limb Major fracture of a limb Burns to a major part of the body Loss of sight in one or both eyes One of your responsibilities when a critical injury or fatality occurs at the workplace is to "secure the scene". This means that it is important to leave the scene undisturbed until the Ministry of Labour or police take charge of the scene. A worker health & safety representative or worker member of the Joint Health & Safety Committee must be involved in the investigation of a critical injury. It's important that everyone knows what to do in the event of an incident — whether it results in an injury or not. Step 4: Health & Safety in Action

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