Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Generic)

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4 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business about this Guide Navigating your way through the rules and regulations that govern workplace health & safety can be challenging. Sometimes it may even seem that the law really wasn't made to reflect the reality of small and medium sized businesses. The truth is health & safety is not rocket science. In fact, much of it, like so many things in life, is common sense. The purpose of this guide is to help you make sure that health and safety is not something that is left to chance — think of it as a map that will help you set your course and navigate your way to a safer, healthier workplace. The Self-Assessment tool is a place to start. By writing down your policies and your expectations — and reviewing them with your employees, everyone really is working from the same page. By making sure that your employees understand these policies and expectations the same way you do, you plant the seeds for a safe and healthy workplace — and that makes a lot of sense. You have just taken an important step on the road to zero injuries. You already know what it takes to make your business a success. You work hard to make sure your business runs smoothly: you have systems in place to track your inventory and customer data; you have systems to manage things like accounting and payroll — and by the time you work your way through this guide, you'll have what you need to make health & safety an everyday part of your business, too. Congratulations!

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