Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business (Landscaping & Growers)

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"Safety First" - This common phrase is used over and over again in posters, banners, articles, pamphlets and many other communication vehicles. It is worth repeating. It is worth attention. It is worth remembering. In 20 years in my position, I vividly recall the tears and anguish of industry members who have had the terrible experience of losing an employee on the job. It is one of worst experiences possible for family, friends, fellow employees and employers. I have also known employers who lost their business because of a personal on the job accident. Their lives disrupted- their livelihood gone. There is a huge emotional, family, social and personal cost to accidents. There are also business costs. In the early 1990's the WSIB rate for the horticultural industry was $9.11 per hundred dollars of payroll. This largely reflected the lack of safety training and awareness in the workplace. We were able to significantly reduce the number of accidents in the sector by making safety a priority. We worked with WSPS (formerly Farm Safety Association) on education, safety awareness and preventative activities to keep the message of safety at the forefront. I am proud to say that this strategy works. The current WSIB rate has been reduced to just over $4.00 per hundred dollars of payroll. This is more than just a number. It represents millions of dollars saved. More importantly it represents the reduction of human, emotional, financial and social hardship. In recent years the WSIB rate for our sector has increased after a steady decline. It is time to refocus our efforts. It is time for every employer and employee to work together to put "Safety First". This document is part of the improvement process. However it starts with you and all of us putting "Safety First". Sincerely, Tony DiGiovanni Executive Director Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association 7856 Fifth Line South, RR4, Milton, ON, L9T 2X8 | t 1 800 265 5656 | F 1 905 875 3942 |

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