Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Manufacturing)

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34 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business Orientation: Young workers Young workers are eager to please. They bring energy and enthusiasm into your workplace. In some cases, you may be their very first employer. The way you bring them on board, the information that you give them matters a lot: this experience will shape their understanding of what it means to work in a healthy and safe workplace and how they contribute to that — not just at your workplace, but the places they will work in the future. The first few months are critical. There are far too many young workers who are injured in the first days or weeks on the job. Show them the ropes: Don't take for granted that they will always know the right questions to ask — help them out Have them shadow someone who sets a positive example Praise them when you observe them following safe work procedures; correct them when they're not Orientation: contractors, Visitors and suppliers Contractors, visitors and suppliers to your location should be held to the same standard as your employees. If personal protective equipment is required for a particular task, then they should be wearing it, too. If they are performing maintenance or repair work that poses a potential risk, then they should tell you how they're going to control that risk. Make it a point to ask contractors, visitors and suppliers to "sign in" — that way, in the event of an emergency, you'll be able to include them in your evacuation procedure. And make sure that your employees are able to deliver the same message.

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