Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Manufacturing)

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Page 30 of 43 31 Maintain up-to-date Material Safety Data Sheets (you can get these from suppliers and manufacturers) and make them accessible to employees Ensure hazardous substances are properly labelled Provide appropriate personal protective equipment related to the use of these substances Provide workplace and job-specific WHMIS training Working Alone While there may be other workers at the manufacturing plant, it is possible to be isolated without others being nearby to respond to a distress call. Working alone, day or night, poses its own particular set of risks. To minimize these risks, it's important to: Have someone maintain regular contact with the employee Keep emergency phone numbers accessible and up-to-date Keep back doors closed Avoid having to enter alleys or other secluded places to empty garbage at night Acknowledge every person who enters your location Keep windows clear of posters and other visual obstructions Train employees how to respond to an emergency when they are working alone Ensure all tasks and equipment involved can be safely handled by one worker. electrical contact Anything electrical offers the threat of electrocution. There are many things that can be done to minimize the risk: Maintain equipment, with regular inspections and repairs Provide training on safe use Provide appropriate personal protective equipment Keep the areas clean and dry around machines at all times to prevent electrical hazards Workplace Violence and harassment Workplace violence and harassment can occur in any environment. In Ontario, employers are required to have a workplace violence policy and program, as well as a workplace harassment policy and program. It is acceptable to roll your workplace violence and harassment policies into your overall occupational health & safety policy statement, and must include: Your commitment to protecting employees from workplace violence and harassment Address violence and harassment from all possible sources (customers, clients, employers, supervisors, suppliers, employees, strangers and domestic/intimate partners) Outline the roles and responsibilities of the workplace parties in supporting the policy and program Be dated and signed by the highest level of management at the workplace You must undertake a risk assessment that considers: The potential for violence and harassment based on the nature of the workplace, the type of work or the work conditions Step 4: Health & Safety in Action

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