Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Manufacturing)

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Page 32 of 43 33 Emergency plan An emergency fire plan is a legal requirement — you'll need to consult the Fire Code for your jurisdiction for specific requirements. Consider contacting your local fire department for support in developing an emergency fire plan for your location. You'll also want to consider other types of emergencies: Natural disasters Gas leaks Acts of violence Power failures Pandemic planning An effective emergency plan will include: Up-to-date contact numbers (make sure you also have up-to-date emergency contact information for each employee on file) Fire wardens/chain of command Evacuation procedures (you may want to make a reciprocal arrangement with a nearby business where you and your employees can gather in the event of a fire or other emergency) Business continuity plans Training Practices and review (you'll want to schedule periodic evacuation drills to make sure employees will know how to react in the event of an emergency) Orientation: New Employees New employees are an investment you make in the success of your business. Take the time to help them understand how important a safe and healthy workplace is to you, and their role: Understanding their rights, duties and responsibilities according to the law Understanding the hazards in your workplace and the work that they will be performing Training in safe work practices and procedures, use of personal protective equipment Reviewing the emergency plan and procedures Understanding your expectations for conduct in workplace Document your orientation process. Stay in touch with your new workers. Observe how they apply safe work practices. Encourage them to ask questions. Step 4: Health & Safety in Action

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