Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Manufacturing)

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36 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business Representation, selection and Membership The following represents some of the minimum requirements for health & safety representation in the workplace: If you regularly employ 5–19 employees, then you are required to have one health & safety representative, representing employees and selected by employees. If you regularly employ 20 or more employees, then you are required to have a Joint Health & Safety Committee with 1 member representing the employer and 1 member representing employees. The employer can select their own representative, while the employees are responsible for selecting their member. Duties Health & Safety Representatives (and Joint Health & Safety Committee members) have assigned duties, according to the law: Identify workplace hazards Obtain information about hazards Obtain information concerning the taking of tests related to health and safety Conduct workplaces inspections, at least monthly Be present for, and assist with the investigation of work refusals Investigate serious or critical injuries Joint Health & Safety Committees are required to meet at least every three months and provide agendas and minutes of their meetings.

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