Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Manufacturing)

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Page 36 of 43 37 Recommendations In small businesses, most employees probably don't make a lot of formal, written recommendations. That doesn't mean however, that recommendations made informally are less important, particularly to the individual making them. Make sure that you follow up, gather feedback, and communicate priorities. Maybe you don't need a formal process in your setting, but talk about the best way to make suggestions and share ideas so that they aren't lost: sending an email, writing it down in a shared journal — whatever makes the most sense for your business. Health & safety laws are written to protect those who are vulnerable — formal recommendations may be necessary in a very large business, where the health & safety system isn't well understood or well developed, or where the nature of the employer-employee relationship is more adversarial. When Health & Safety Representatives or Joint Health & Safety Committee members make written recommendations to the employer, then the employer is required to respond, in writing, within twenty-one days. Your response must include a timetable for implementing the recommendations with which you agree, or the reasons why you don't agree at this time. Training for Health & safety Representatives/committee Members The law states that you must have a Joint Health and Safety Committee if your company has 20 or more employees. The committee must have at least one worker representative and one management representative. The law also states that at least one worker representative and one management representative receive specialized training to carry out their functions. This training is called Certification. Please visit our web site for more information. Step 5: The Internal Responsibility System in Action

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