Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in your Small Business (Manufacturing)

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Page 40 of 43 41 Provincial Act Occupational Health & Safety Act Provincial Regulations Regulation for Industrial Establishments – Reg. 851 Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS) – Reg. 860 First Aid Regulation 1101 Regulation for Construction Projects Ontario Building Code Ministry of Labour Guidelines Guide to the Occupational Health & Safety Act Guide to Joint Health & Safety Committees Guide to WHMIS Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Prevention Guideline Provincial Authority Ontario Ministry of Labour Provincial Compensation Board Workplace Safety & Insurance Board Health & Safety Representative/Joint Health & Safety Committee Requirements 5 – 19 employees: Health & Safety Representative 20 – 49 employees: Joint Health & Safety Committee (1 employee rep. /1 management rep.) 50 + employees: Joint Health & Safety Committee (2 employee reps./2 management reps.) Provincial Training Requirements Mandatory Health and Safety Awareness Training for Workers Mandatory Health and Safety Awareness Training for Supervisors Certification Training (Parts I and II) WHMIS Training Ontario Resources: Quick Reference

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