Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business (Tourism & Hospitality)

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The Tourism Industry Association of Ontario supports tourism businesses and workers across Ontario, with thousands relying on tourism for their livelihood. Ontario has 147,000 tourism industry businesses, representing 17% of all businesses in Ontario. Of the over 608,000 jobs, one in four is held by a young person. It was not too long ago when workplace injuries and lost time were seen as a cost of doing business. Today, however, Health and Safety is recognized as playing a far more significant role in the workplace as a driver of productivity and increased employee engagement. Yet, there remains much that can be done in order to ensure an even safer environment for employees in the tourism industry. For many tourism operators, Health and Safety is often an important aspect of their operation that is misunderstood. Tourism Industry Association of Ontario (TIAO), in partnership with the Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS), are pleased to present this practical guide to assist you in your efforts to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. This guide will also help tourism business owners better understand their obligations while providing useful tools to enhance their safety programs. It's our hope that the following pages of this Self Assessment Guide will serve as a refresher or a starting point to the road to zero injuries in your workplace. If you are a member of TIAO, I thank you for your continued support. If you are not, the association has a number of other Health and Safety resources that you can leverage to assist you in enhancing your Health and Safety initiatives and aid in the continued growth of your business. Please feel free to visit our website at to find out more or contact our office at 416-483-1691. Stay safe! Beth potter President Tourism Industry Association of Ontario 25 Adelaide St. East, Suite 1616, Toronto, ON M5C 3A1 | 1 888 436 6441 | T 416 483 1691 | F 416 792 4669 |

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