Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business (Tourism & Hospitality)

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6 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Tourism & Hospitality: Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business some of it, You Have to Do It's true. Some of what you'll be working through in this guide comes straight out of the legislation. That doesn't mean you need to use legal language to meet the intent of the law. Use the language of your workplace, in words that are meaningful to you and your employees. Bigger words don't make better policies. about workplace Health & safety Legislation Laws are designed to establish the minimum standards for working safely. By conforming to these standards, you are complying with the law. The thing with the law is that it can't anticipate everything that can or might happen in your workplace — that's your job. They call that due diligence. It's up to you to know the hazards that are particular to your workplace or way of working, identify ways of controlling those hazards and share this information with employees. a Few words about the Internal Responsibility system Embedded in the legislation is the concept of the Internal Responsibility System. At its core, it means that we're all responsible for health and safety in our workplaces; it means that we're all looking out for one another. It means that our goal, whether we say it out loud or not, is to go home safe… every time. Having a health & safety representative (or joint health and safety committee) in your workplace is one way that the internal responsibility system is formalized in your workplace. It's also there in less formal (but no less important) ways — every time you say "be careful" or "let me help you with that" or "we have a new piece of equipment, let me show you how to use it" — that's the internal responsibility system in action.

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