Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business (Tourism & Hospitality)

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Page 8 of 43 9 Question Do we have this written down? (Y/n) Do we do what's written down? (Y/n) Did we even know we had to do this? (Y/n) When will this be written down? When will we start doing what's written down? sETTING THE sTaGE 1. Do we have a written Occupational Health & Safety Policy statement which is signed, dated and posted in a conspicuous location(s) in the workplace? 2. Do we have at least one current copy of the occupational health & safety legislation, the regulations that cover this workplace and explanatory materials (from the ministry of Labour) posted in a conspicuous location(s) in the workplace? (Do I know which regulations cover this workplace?) 3. Do all employees know their responsibilities when it comes to reporting injuries? (Do you have a copy of the WSIB "In Case of Injury" poster hanging in a visible location?) 4. Do we have valid first aid certificates posted in the workplace where every worker can see them? 5. Do we have an emergency Phone numbers list posted in strategic locations throughout the workplace for reference, in case of an emergency? self-assessment checklist Step 1: Start Here! notes

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