Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business (Tourism & Hospitality)

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Page 6 of 43 7 Business Impacts of Health & safety We already know that a safe and healthy workplace makes sense, but did you also consider that it also makes "cents"? Think about it like this. If you and your employees already understand how to do the work safely, then you don't have to spend time thinking about it — that's time you can be using to serve your customers better. Time that you don't have to spend investigating incidents or working short-handed because an employee is recovering from injury is time that can be invested in growing your business. And the more you involve your employees in workplace health and safety, the more they will come to understand how important their health and safety is to you — and when employees believe that their employer cares about them, they are happier and more productive. Let's face it — happier and more productive employees are an important part of a successful business. sticks and carrots In every jurisdiction, there are significant penalties for not meeting the requirements of the law — at an organizational level and at the individual level, too. In many jurisdictions, you will also find that there are incentives for good health & safety performance. Sometimes these incentives are in the form of rebates; other times, it's public recognition of your status as a good performer. Contact the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board for more information on incentive programs. a Living workplace system Your health and safety system is not just a binder on a shelf, a file on your computer or a bulletin board hanging on the wall. Your health and safety system is the way you and your employees perform your work each and every day. Every time you take a moment to talk about safety, whether it's a monthly safety talk, reviewing a new procedure, responding to a hazard report or just giving someone a pat on the back for doing it right, you're feeding the system. And with life in the system, health and safety isn't something that's left to chance. where Do I Learn More? As you move through this guide, you'll begin to put the elements of your health and safety system together. Resources on specific hazards for your sector will be available online. There are organizations that are available to support you in your efforts to create and maintain a safe and healthy workplace. Check the Resources section at the end of this guide. About this Guide

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