Guides & Toolkits

Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business (Tourism & Hospitality)

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Page 9 of 43

10 Workplace Safety & Prevention Services Tourism & Hospitality: Closing the Loop: Setting Up a Health & Safety System in Your Small Business self-assessment checklist (continued) Question Do we have this written down? (Y/n) Do we do what's written down? (Y/n) Did we even know we had to do this? (Y/n) When will this be written down? When will we start doing what's written down? THE RIGHT sTuFF 6. Do we have at least one first aid station containing at least the minimum supplies set out in the first aid regulation in the workplace? 7. Do we have a Fire Protection equipment program that includes frequent inspection and replacement of substandard equipment? 8. Do we have appropriate lockout equipment maintained in the workplace? 9. Do we have an effective Personal Protective equipment (PPe) program? Does it include hazard identification, provision of appropriate PPe, training and regular inspections? notes

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