Guides & Toolkits

Fall from Heights Fatalities Analysis

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29 | Ministry of Labour Highlighted Contributing Factors by Business Size 1-5 Employees 6-19 Employees Pushed or Struck by Object (6/7) Of 7 fatalities involving this factor, 6 were of workers who worked for businesses with 1-5 employees. Other Unsafe Tools/Equipment or Usage (7/13) Of 13 fatalities involving this factor, 7 were of workers who worked for businesses with 6-19 employees. Unsafe Scaffold (6/7) Unsafe Ladder Use (9/13) Unsafe Behavior/Misjudgment (8/10) Lack of Falls Training (17/29) Not Wearing PPE (22/36) No factors were specifically notable for businesses of size 20-49 or 50+.

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