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Agricultural Safety Topic - Portable Fire Extinguishers

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AGRICULTURAL SAFETY TOPICS – PORTAbLE FIRE ExTInGUIShERS 2 130-011-34-IADO © 2014, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | The following chart will help classify fires that may occur on the farm. Location Size Range (lbs.) Suggested Placement Farm Shop One Unit, (5-10) Near exit door Combine First Unit, (5-10) Second Unit, (5-10) Near cab door On opposite side of cab at ground level Baler One Unite, (21/2) On structural member Car or Truck One Unite, (21/2-5) Accessible to driver Barn or outbuildings One Unit, (5-10) In an accessible location Reading the Label: The label states the amount of dry or wet chemical contained in the extinguisher. Higher classifications equal greater extinguishing capacity. For example, an extinguisher classified as 4A can extinguish twice as much of a class A fire as an extinguisher classified as 2A. Look for the classification or rating to determine the extinguisher's capacity. Operating a Fire Extinguisher: Before you need to use the extinguisher: Examine for defects at time of purchase. Read the operating instructions on the label. Make location of extinguisher known. Follow these Steps To Operate an Extinguisher: Remove from the mounting bracket by grasping the unit by the carrying handle and the base and carry it to the fire. Pull the locking pin to break the tamper seal. If the unit has a hose, remove the hose from its retaining clip.

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