Guides & Toolkits

Duties & Responsibilities

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2 100-CCP-02-IGDO © 2017, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | 13. Advise employees of the results of a report and, if the report is in writing, make available to them on request copies of the portions of the report that concern occupational health and safety. 14. Posting a copy of the Occupational Health and Safety Act and pertinent regulations in an accessible workplace location. 15. Posting, reviewing and re-posting annually, a copy of the health and safety policy in an accessible workplace location. (In a workplace where 6 or more workers are regularly employed. 16. Developing and maintaining a health and safety program to implement the health and safety policy. 17. Recognize and follow requirements set out under section 26 of the OH&S Act when necessary. 18. The employer is also required to: 19. Cause a worker health and safety representative to be elected, in workplace where 6-19 workers are regularly employed. Section 8. 20. Establish a Joint Health and Safety Committee in a workplace where 20 or more workers are regularly employed; or an order under Section 33 is in effect; or where a regulation concerning a designated substance applies. Section 9. 21. Respond writing, within 21 days, to any health and safety recommendations submitted by the JHSC or health and safety representative. Section 9. 22. Develop and implement a workplace violence and workplace harassment policy and program. Section 32.0.1. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: EMPLOYERS WSPS.CA

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