Guides & Toolkits

Essential Skills and OHS Training

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A guide to embedding an essential skills curriculum within an OHS training program Essential Skills and OHS Training 3 Preface 5 About this guide 7 The 9 essential skills 8 The process at a glance 9 Identify a training program in which to embed essential skills curriculum 10 Establish a project team 11 Outline data requirements 12 Identify the most important essential skills gaps to address 13 Develop the essential skills curriculum to be embedded within the existing OHS training program 14 Validate the modified curriculum with the instructional staff and other stakeholders, as required 14 Finalize the curriculum documents 15 Offer a train-the-trainer session to help guide instructors on the delivery of the modified curriculum 16 Develop the evaluation strategy 18 Test and fine-tune the modified program 18 Implement the final program 18 Evaluate the program as per the evaluation strategy 19 Acknowledgements 21 Appendix A: Sample before-and-after training curriculum 51 Appendix B: Sample interview and observation evaluation questions TABLE OF CONTENTS

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