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Fire Extinguishers

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5 © 2011, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario, publicly known as Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Fire Extinguishers Identification Manufacturers place markings on extinguishers to indicate the class or classes of fire for which they are suitable. To make identification easier in an emergency, consider applying class ratings to wall panels near extinguishers. There markings should be easy to see from a distance of 4.6m (15 ft.). One marking system uses letters, symbols and colours (see Figure 5). Another marking system uses pictures which show both the uses and non-uses of the extinguisher. This marking system is illustrated in Figure 6. Pictures give more information, but employees will need training to be able to recognize and understand them. Note that with both marking systems, the use of colour is optional. Figure 5: Symbol and Colour Marking on Extinguishers Symbol Description Ordinary Combustibles A Extinguishers for Class A fires are identified by a triangle containing the letter "A". If coloured, the triangle is green. Flammable Liquids B Extinguishers for Class B fires are identified by a square containing the letter "B". If coloured, the square is red. Electrical Equipment C Extinguishers for Class C fires are identified by a circle containing the letter "C". If coloured, the circle is blue. Combustible Metals D Extinguishers for Class D fires are identified by a star containing the letter "D". If coloured, the star is yellow.

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