Fire Protection is an organized approach designed to prevent fires. In the event of a fire, a fire protection
program will help prevent or minimize personal injuries, losses, and harm to the environment. This
guideline is designed to help you develop a fire protection program, or to identify areas in your existing
program that may need improvement. The basic elements of a fire protection program are discussed below.
Workplace Assessment
Your first step is to do a workplace assessment. You will be evaluating your workplace for:
Fire hazards
Effectiveness of controls
Emergency preparedness
Collect as much information as possible on each of the areas shown in Appendix 1. This should include
hazard and control information, as well as relevant legal standards and requirements.
An inventory of hazardous materials used in your workplace will prove useful.
Follow this up with a walk-through assessment of your workplace. Using the information you have
collected, develop a basic floor plan and an assessment checklist for this purpose. Use the checklist to
record your observations.
The results of your workplace assessment will help you determine the need to improve or implement:
Fire prevention and control procedures
An emergency plan
Rate all identified hazards based on severity (high, medium or low), frequency and probability of injury.
You will now be able to establish a priority for action needed to meet your needs.
Carry out a complete re-assessment whenever you make changes in your workplace, such as a change in
process, work activity or materials used.
Fire Protection