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Fire Protection

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Fire Protection 7 345-001-03-IGDO © 2013, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Appendix 2: Examples of Fire controls Engineering Process alteration Substitution with less hazardous process materials Workplace design – Proper storage facilities (i.e., properly marked and separated) – Proper and adequate ventilation – Fire proofing of buildings – Proper fire doors, fire walls and separators – Installation of fire/heat/smoke detectors – Sprinkler systems – Control of explosive atmospheres (e.g., dusts) – Adequate spill containment Electrical equipment – Intrinsically unsafe – Must conform to the Electrical Safety Code Consult a fire protection engineering consultant, if necessary Work practices Housekeeping – Adequate waste disposal – Exit/fire escape access – Unobstructed aisles – Control of flammable dusts Proper storage of flammables and combustibles Company policies – No smoking – Hot work permits Wsps.cA

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