Guides & Toolkits

How to Use Tailgate Talks

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TAILGATE TALKS – AGrIcuLTurAL/InduSTrIAL MowEr SAfETy 4 150-008-01-IADO © 2014, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Determine the best and safest way to proceed with cutting. Consider the height and type of material to be mowed, and the terrain over which you must operate. Plan a pattern that will allow you to travel straight forward as much as possible. Protect yourself Steel-toed safety footwear is mandatory. Full length, close-fitting clothes should be worn. A hat, safety eyewear, hearing protection, and gloves are recommended equipment for this type of work. Watch out for others Under no circumstances should children or pets be anywhere near the work area-NO RIDERS! If anyone comes near the area while you are mowing, shut off the equipment. Safe mowing practices 1. Be sure the transmission is out of gear and the mower blade clutch disengaged before starting the engine. 2. Engage the mower drive at low engine RPM and the equipment at maximum cutting height. Check for excessive vibration and unusual noises. If there is any indication of trouble, shut the machine down and carry out an inspection. Mower blades may continue to rotate for some time, so wait until all movement has stopped before leaving the tractor seat. Block the raised mower before inspection. 3. Raise speed to rated RPM, and lower the mower to the desired working height. 4. Proper ground speed will depend on the height, type and density of material to be cut, and the nature of the terrain. 5. Slow down on slopes and when turning sharply to avoid a rollover. Be alert for holes or other hidden dangers. 6. With under mount, rear mount, pull-type, and wing mowers, always try to mow down slopes, never up or across the face. 7. With side mount, offset, and sicklebar mowers, always mow across the slope with the mower on the uphill side. Never operate with the mower pointed downhill. Avoid turning uphill quickly or sharply with this class of mowers.

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