Guides & Toolkits

How to Use Tailgate Talks

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TAILGATE TALKS – AGrIcuLTurAL/InduSTrIAL MowEr SAfETy 5 150-008-01-IADO © 2014, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | 8. Use extreme caution when operating on very uneven terrain. 9. Extreme caution is required when mowing ditch banks. 10. Do not mow in reverse unless specifically recommended in the operator's manual. Always look behind before backing up. 11. Keep feet and hands away from v-belts, shafts, and other moving parts. The mower should not be running unless the operator is sitting on the seat. 12. Follow recommended shutdown procedures before leaving the mower. Set the brakes, disengage power to the mower, turn off the engine, and remove the key. Never leave a mower on a slope. Notes:

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