Guides & Toolkits

How to Use Tailgate Talks

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56 150-008-01-IADO © 2014, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Keep feed throwdown holes covered when not in use. Install guard rails around clean-out openings in multi-floored poultry houses. Spread sand and/or salt on icy surfaces if work has to be done in the vicinity. If the weather is particularly bad, consider putting the job off until conditions improve. Keep steps and platforms of tractors and other equipment clean and dry. Take the time to clean off mud, ice, snow, manure, grease, and other debris that can accumulate on these surfaces. Don't carry tools, chains, etc. on the platform. Slip-resistant safety footwear is a must for all farm workers. The above are but a few examples of "good housekeeping" practices that should be followed to minimize "slip and trip" hazards. You can probably think of several others. It is really important to develop an awareness of potential hazards, and take the necessary steps to eliminate them before someone gets hurt. Take extra care around machinery Slips, trips and falls around farm equipment can have fatal consequences. We've already stressed the importance of keeping steps and platforms clean. Here are some additional points to consider when working with machinery. Never jump from a tractor. There is always the danger of catching clothing on pedals, lever, or other protruding parts. You could land on an uneven surface and injure your ankles, legs, or back. Always use handrails, handholds, and steps to mount or dismount tractors and self-propelled equipment. Follow the 3-point system: either two hands and one foot, or one hand and two feet on the machine at all times. Never try to operate equipment from any position other than the seat! Maintain safe operating speeds, and take a break when you are tired. Never allow passengers to ride along! They are much more likely to fall from a moving machine. Always shut the power off and pocket the key before making repairs and adjustments. That way, if someone does fall onto the equipment, they won't become entangled. Take extra care when operating stationary equipment, for example: grain augers, generators, grinder-mixers, etc. Stay well clear of the machinery while it is running. Try to maintain good footing in the surrounding area. tailgate talks – sliPs, triPs and falls

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