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How to Use Tailgate Talks

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tailgate talks wHMis – workPlace HazardoUs Material inforMation systeM Points to Emphasize Label all controlled hazardous materials including portable containers. Replace labels when needed. Obtain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all controlled materials and maintain an inventory. Train employees. Know WHMIS classifications. Read product label and MSDS before using chemicals for the first time. Use appropriate personal protective equipment when using chemicals. Only use chemicals with labels and MSDS and do not mix chemicals unless directed by chemical supplier. WHMIS is a comprehensive plan for providing information on the use of controlled hazardous materials in the work place. There are six classifications (A-F) of WHMIS, several of which have divisions or sub-divisions. WHMIS classifications Compressed Gases – Class A – indicates a container with pressure inside. Examples: propane, oxygen, and acetylene. Flammable & Combustible Material – Class B – is a product, which may ignite, or burn or may be explosive in some situations. Examples are gasoline and paint thinners. Oxidizing Material – Class C – This material can create a fire in the presence of flammable or combustible materials. May burn eyes and skin on contact. Example: ammonium nitrate.

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