Guides & Toolkits

Internal Responsibility System (IRS) Primer

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IRS PRIMER 6 130-AIX-01-IGDO © 2018, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Joint Health and Safety Committee or Health and Safety Representative Monitors the functioning of the IRS and recommends improvements when indicated Inspects the workplace for potential or actual hazards Investigates critical or fatal incidents Monitors the health and safety policies and program Acts as a channel of communication between workplace parties Acts as a liaison with the Ministry of Labour so that any weaknesses in the IRS and other health and safety concerns can be brought to the attention of the inspector Checks to make sure recommended changes are made and maintained JHSC/Health & Safety Representative monitors the system, makes recommendations to the employer and supports communication between parties INTERNAL RESPONSIBILITY SYSTEM Employers provide a safe environment, establish the health and safety program and policy and are responsible for health and safety within the organization Supervisors communicate, monitor and enforce progams and policies Workers comply, participate and bring concerns to the attention of the company WSPS.CA

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