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Internal Responsibility System (IRS) Primer

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IRS PRIMER 7 130-AIX-01-IGDO © 2018, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | The Ministry of Labour's (MOL) Role The Ministry of Labour's responsibility in the IRS is to make sure workplaces are complying with the laws under the OHSA. Compliance means that the company's IRS is working to address health and safety issues. They may investigate a hazardous situation, a work refusal, start a prosecution or issue orders to companies to obey the laws of the OHSA. The graphic below shows the indirect function of the MOL in the IRS of a company: INTERNAL RESPONSIBILITY SYSTEM Employers provide a safe environment, establish the health and safety program and policy and are responsible for health and safety within the organization Supervisors communicate, monitor and enforce progams and policies Workers comply, participate and bring concerns to the attention of the company MOL Inspects the workplace for any health and safety non-compliances Issues orders for compliance or starts a prosecution. In workplaces where employees are organized, the Union has an indirect responsibility in the IRS. The members of the Union, and their representatives who are employees of the employer are "internal" to the employer's organization. The Union will also have health and safety resources located "external" to the employer's organization. WSPS.CA

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