Guides & Toolkits

Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) Toolkit

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The information contained in this reference material was produced by Restaurant & Food Services Advisory Committee and is distributed as a guide only. It is current to the best of our knowledge as at the revision date. No guarantee is made by WSPS as to the absolute correctness and WSPS assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. Recipe For An E ective JOINT HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE (JHSC) Toubleshooting Guide When your JHSC is not working Recruitment Red Flags What you can do A. Negative workplace culture Encourage senior leaders to show their commitment to health and safety by connecting the dots between health, safety, and worker well-being. Coach them on how and when to promote and praise the JHSC. B. Recruitment Make the recruitment process as simple as possible. Provide clear information to help workers understand their role and the role of the JHSC. Reassure them that basic training and ongoing support will be provided. C. Time constraints Reinforce that workers will be paid for time spent on JHSC activities. D. Benefi ts unknown Communicate what workers stand to gain; e.g. recognition, incentives, and professional development on such job skills as problem solving, teamwork, how to run e† cient meetings, how to provide input / feedback. Participation Red Flags What you can do A. Time constraints Schedule meetings and JHSC activities based on members' availability. Create subcommittees to handle specifi c tasks, allowing JHSC meetings to focus on other priorities. B. Lack of motivation Provide role clarity and set expectations. Put committee members on fi rst aid duty. Involve them in incident reviews to improve their investigation skills. Commend them for their e‹ orts in front of their peers. C. Boring meetings Focus meetings on setting achievable objectives and celebrating results. Encourage members to share their knowledge and experience in resolving workplace health and safety issues and in participating in inspections and special projects. D. Lack of attendance Send out meeting dates and agendas well in advance. Delegate responsibility by assigning members to report on agenda items. Reward perfect meeting attendance. E ectiveness Red Flags What you can do A. No proper goals, objectives & evaluation Create a vision for the committee. Set JHSC Terms of Reference. Communicate goals, objectives and the evaluation process. Ask members to share their views of committee and meeting e‹ ectiveness. Ask for ideas and solutions, and then implement them. B. Lack of direction Set short-term objectives that are relevant and attainable. C. Lack of knowledge Provide members with orientation to workplace health and safety legislation in bite-size pieces. Do members have the skills and knowledge they need to perform their role/ function? Provide training to close gaps. D. Leadership engagement Encourage senior leaders to participate in JHSC activities and attend occasional meetings. Follow up with leaders for their response to committee recommendations. Track all recommendations made to the employer until they are resolved. Make health and safety an ongoing priority in your workplace by building it into frequent conversations between managers, supervisors, and workers, and making it a standing agenda item in routine business meetings.

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