Guides & Toolkits

Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) Toolkit

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The information contained in this reference material was produced by Restaurant & Food Services Advisory Committee and is distributed as a guide only. It is current to the best of our knowledge as at the revision date. No guarantee is made by WSPS as to the absolute correctness and WSPS assumes no responsibility in connection therewith. Recipe For An Effective JOINT HEALTH AND SAFETY COMMITTEE (JHSC) Checklist PREP IT Do you understand the Occupational Health & Safety Act requirements for JHSCs and the consequences of non-compliance? Have you identified expectations and clarified roles & responsibilities for your committee? Have you obtained health and safety information from the employer? Have you provided training? Have you posted a list of committee members for staff? Are you organized for the first meeting; e.g. agenda, meeting time, date and place? SERVE IT Have you completed and documented inspections, incident investigations, work refusals, meeting minutes and training records? Have you documented workplace risks and hazards identified during inspections? Are you promoting open discussions on issues that lead to recommendations for health & safety improvements? Have you presented, in writing, your recommendations (with facts and evidence) to the employer? Have you assisted the employer in preparing a corrective action plan? Have you documented follow-up on the employer's written response to recommendations? COOK IT Have you consulted with the JHSC on the effectiveness of specific workplace programs, as mentioned in the legislation; e.g. workplace harassment, designated substances? Are you conducting regular workplace inspections, as per legislative requirements? Have you identified the actual and potential workplace risks and hazards and evaluated them? Have you recommended corrective action to the employer? Have you followed up on implemented recommendations? Have you participated in MOL visits, if any? RATE IT Do the co-chairs have strong interpersonal skills; e.g. effective communication, conflict resolution, and presentation/facilitation? Did you evaluate injury statistics? Are your recommendations sound and can you defend them? Did you track progress of the corrective action plan? Did you monitor training records (expiration/ refresher)? Are you getting the support you need from senior management in promoting a workplace safety culture?

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