Guides & Toolkits

Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) Toolkit

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SERVE IT Document, support and discuss Safeguard your business Document rigorously: training records, JHSC meeting minutes, inspection forms, workplace risks and hazards identifi ed, employee feedback and comments, etc. Participate in and document inspections, incident investigations, and work refusals Follow the required process for recommendations: — Present recommendations for addressing risks to the employer in writing — Document follow-up on the employer's written response to recommendations — Document any "no response" to recommendations — Assist the employer in preparing a corrective action plan Support your JHSC Provide ongoing formal and informal training to members (e.g. JHSC Certifi cation Part One & Part Two, Safety, Health and the Law, and First Aid) Promote open discussions about issues that lead to recommendations for H&S improvements JHSC FOR AN EFFECTIVE RATE IT Monitor, track & evaluate What do you need to do for your business? Evaluate injury statistics Track progress of the corrective action plan Monitor the training record (expiration/refresher) Evaluate the e ectiveness of the JHSC Support your JHSC Track JHSC member engagement, and replace members if necessary Visibly recognize the work of the JHSC team

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