Guides & Toolkits

Joint Health and Safety Committees

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3 © 2011, Safe Workplace Promotion Services Ontario, publicly known as Workplace Safety & Prevention Services. 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Joint Health and Safety Committees How frequently must the committee meet? Committees are required by the Act to meet at least once every three months. Members must be given at least one hour of paid time to prepare for meetings. They must also be given paid time to attend committee meetings (as well as to carry out other duties, such as inspecting the workplace). The committee must maintain minutes of its proceedings and keep these available for examination by a Ministry of Labour inspector. [s.9(22)(33)(34)(35]. © Workplace Safety & Prevention Services 2011. Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) grants permission to approved end users to reproduce this document in whole or in part, provided its intended use is for non-commercial, educational purposes and that full acknowledgement is given to the WSPS. Approved end users are firms registered with the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board. WSPS reserves the right to extend this permission to other stakeholders and interested parties by express written permission upon application. WSPS extends no warranty to materials amended or altered by the end user. Under no circumstances is this document, or any portion thereof, to be duplicated for purposes of sale or for external reproduction or distribution. Revised: September 2011

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