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Ladder Safety

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LADDER SAFETY 5 375-BHM-01-IGDO © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Hazards Injury statistics show that the use of ladders presents many hazards. Injuries involving ladders frequently cause permanent disability. The hazards associated with ladders include: Falls from ladders MSDs from lifting while on ladders Struck by falling ladders Struck by materials falling from ladders Tripping over ladders (erect or lying on floor) Lifting heavy ladders Striking persons or objects when carrying ladders Contact with electrical equipment Controls To mitigate hazards apply the following controls: Develop a policy on ladders which covers use, inspection, repair, and disposal Emphasize compliance with the legal requirements covering ladders Establish safe practices for the use of ladders Ensure that policies are followed Consider options that may allow the work to be done without having to use a ladder in the first place: Can the work be lowered so it can be done at regular height? Can mirrors, cameras or other devices be used to monitor processes from ground level? Is there a way to get the work done without putting an individual at risk on the ladder? WSPS.CA

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