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Ladder Safety

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LADDER SAFETY 6 375-BHM-01-IGDO © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | General Safety Practices Use the right ladder for the job Inspect the ladder before and after use Get help when moving heavy or long ladders Ensure that portable ladders of all types are placed on a stable surface When climbing make sure your shoes and/or boots are clear of mud, snow and grease Protect base of ladder from accidental contact with traffic (human or vehicle) by securing it with hazard tape or warning signs and/or having someone present at the base Secure the top of a ladder when using it to access a platform or scaffold and ensure that the top of the ladder extends above the upper surface (see extension ladders above) Face the ladder when ascending or descending – maintain three points of control Hoist materials or attach them to a belt – do not carry materials in your hands Make sure that only one person at a time is on the ladder Don't stretch or reach beyond the side rails of a ladder – a shift in the centre of gravity could cause the ladder to slip Never stand any higher than on the third rung from the top of a stepladder Assess hazards that may arise from the area the work is being done. Identify and where possible keep work away from power lines or other hazards. If you must work near power lines, ensure that they are identified and always use a fiberglass ladder – NEVER work with a metal ladder around power lines If the job is construction related, workers must receive working at heights training by an approved provider Any worker using fall arrest equipment must receive training in its use WSPS.CA

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