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Ladder Safety

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LADDER SAFETY 8 375-BHM-01-IGDO © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | EXTENSION LADDER INSPECTION CHECKLIST The following checklist covers many of the areas of potential problems. It may be used as maintenance, department or pre-shift check. Modify it to suit your needs Ladder Number: Location: Type of Ladder: Duty Rating: Yes No Comments Manufacturer Safety Instructions contain: Load capacity information Length of ladder Maximum standing height Rails are free from: Twists Cracks Holes Corrosion Rail extends freely Serrated Steps: Clean Non-slip Rope in good condition Rope pulley in good condition End Caps: No cracks, damage or fading Secured in place Foot Assembly (Shoe): Free of twists or damage Non-slip pad present Rivets in good condition Pivots move freely Gravity Locks: Locks in position Moves freely No twists, cracks or corrosion Date of Inspection: Initials of person who conducted inspection: Notes: Safety Instructions Base Rung Rope Rail Locks Foot Pad Foot Assembly Shoe Rivets End Cap (OSHA, 2013) WSPS.CA

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