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Ladder Safety

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LADDER SAFETY 9 375-BHM-01-IGDO © 2022, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Storage and Maintenance Store ladders where they are not exposed to weather Ladders should be cleaned on a regular basis Moving parts should be kept clean and lubricated Store ladders horizontally on racks, with support every 2m (6ft) Inspect for common defects such as broken rungs, split side rails, worn or broken safety feet, and oil or grease which can make climbing surfaces slippery Tag a defective ladder for repair or replacement Destroy ladders that cannot be safely repaired Prohibit repairs which include tying or binding with wire prohibiting the painting of ladders, as this can hide cracks or other weak points Training Your employee training program should include the following: Choosing the right ladder for the job Assessing the area where the ladder will be used, and the condition of the floor or ground How to level Inspecting for defects Using ladders safely Dangers of overreaching Awareness of unsafe practices such as: – Setting ladder on boxes, steps, etc. – Climbing with wet or greasy shoes – Removing the safety feet – Leaning the ladder against an unstable support Protective equipment such as fall arrest/restraint may be required in some circumstances. Specific training may be required when working at heights. Contact WSPS for more information. Use the safe practices in this guideline to supplement your training. WSPS.CA

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