MVI RIsk FactoRs
Distracted Driving Poor Visibility Speed Fatigue
Use of Cell Phones Driver Impairment Weather Conditions
MotoR VehIcle IncIdents
steP one: RaIse aWaReness (RecognItIon)
What We neeD to knoW
Recognize and assess the risks (traffic, weather conditions,
road conditions, destination and delivery points, fatigue etc.)
Routing information and scheduling
What We ShoUlD look For
Valid license
Vehicle condition/fitness
Health condition of the driver
What Do We Mean BY Motor VehICle InCIDentS (MVIs)?
Injuries sustained:
– during vehicle impact
– while on the job
– whether the vehicle is in motion or stationary (i.e. if it is struck)
– in or around the vehicle
WhY PreVent MVIs?
Motor vehicle collisions on Ontario roads account for more than 30% of
all Ontario worker fatalities – making MVIs the biggest risk in Ontario*
MVIs put everyone on the road at risk
Motor vehicle impact hurts people, families, workplace culture, and
corporate reputations
What the laW SaYS
Ontario's Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) requires that
employers take every reasonable precaution to protect workers, provide
information and instruction, and ensure that workers properly use or
wear the required equipment. Employers, supervisors and workers can
be prosecuted for not complying with the law.*
* Source: