Guides & Toolkits

The Effective JHSC

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THE EFFECTIVE JHSC 8 140-002-07-IGOT © 2013, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | Getting Organized for the First Meeting The employer is responsible for getting the JHSC up and running. This involves helping to set up the first meeting. Sometimes it is the owner who functions as the chair and completes the following tasks: 1. Organizes the agenda 2. Arranges a meeting time, date and place 3. Runs the meeting What Should Be On the Agenda for the First Meeting? Owner should talk about: ƒ His/her role as the JHSC sponsor ƒ The various JHSC roles, skills and commitment required These roles include: Co-chairs Co-chairs ensure that meetings are held, run smoothly, all agenda items are addressed and recommendations are made to the employer. Co-chairs alternate chairing the meetings. The process for selecting the co-chairs would be decided at the first meeting: a) By nomination and election b) Picked if only one person nominated The management co-chair is selected by the management representatives on the committee; the worker co-chair is selected by the worker representatives on the committee. Secretary Minutes of JHSC meetings must be recorded. Section 9(22) A best practice is that the committee chooses a secretary outside of the committee to keep the minutes. All the JHSC members can then concentrate only on the matters of the agenda during the meeting. WSPS.CA

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