Guides & Toolkits

The Effective JHSC

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About This Guide This guide contains information and tools for: ƒ Existing JHSCs ƒ New JHSCs ƒ Business owners, CEOs or senior management (the employer) who need to start up a JHSC How will this guide help you? ƒ Employers can learn about the roles and responsibilities of a JHSC ƒ New JHSC members will gain an understanding on what makes a JHSC work well ƒ Self-assessment tools and information allow a new or existing JHSC to evaluate its effectiveness as a team ƒ Best practices for JHSCs are shared throughout this guide ƒ It explains where to obtain additional support and resources for the growth and maturity of the JHSC such as other WSPS products and services THE EFFECTIVE JHSC WSPS.CA

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