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The Effective JHSC

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THE EFFECTIVE JHSC 5 140-002-07-IGOT © 2013, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | CHAPTER 2: FORMING A JHSC Topics in This Chapter: ƒ Setting up a JHSC ƒ Recruiting JHSC members ƒ Getting Organized for the First Meeting ƒ Notice Board Posting ƒ Developing Terms of Reference for the JHSC Setting Up a JHSC There are three basic steps to setting up a JHSC: 1. Identify the Need First, the employer identifies that there is a need for a JHSC and consults the OHSA to determine the minimum number of members required. Additional members may be considered so that the workplace is adequately represented on the committee. Questions for the employer to ask themselves are: ƒ Will all departments/work areas be represented on the committee? ƒ Have I allowed for representation from part-time workers, multiple shifts, contract workers and senior workers? When there is a union, their members of the committee are selected by them. This is sometimes part of the company's collective bargaining agreement (CBA). Check the CBA to see how the process works. 2. Select Management Members Next, the employer appoints the management members. 3. Select Worker Members Workers nominate or select people to be on the committee. Once nominations are received, voting takes place. All workers have the right to vote. Here is a sample process for selecting JHSC members: 1. Identify membership needs a. How many people does the committee need to meet legislative requirements? b. Is there a need for additional members to obtain representation for all departments? WSPS.CA

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