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The Effective JHSC

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THE EFFECTIVE JHSC 2 140-002-07-IGOT © 2013, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | CHAPTER 1: WHAT IS A JHSC? Topics in This Chapter: ƒ When a JHSC is Required ƒ The Purpose of the JHSC ƒ The Internal Responsibility System (IRS) ƒ The Roles and Responsibilities of the JHSC ƒ The Roles and Responsibilities of the Employer When a JHSC is Required The Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) explains ƒ When to start a committee ƒ How it should be set up ƒ What it should do The chart below explains when a JHSC or a Health and Safety Representative are required. What the Law Says NUMBER OF WORKERS LEGISLATIVE REQUIREMENTS 1-5 No requirement for a JHSC or a health and safety representative; however, if your workplace uses a designated substance a JHSC is required. Section 9(2)(c) 6-19 You need at least one health and safety representative (worker), selected by other workers. Section 8(1) If your workplace uses a designated substance a JHSC is required. Section 9(2)(c) 20-49 You need to have a JHSC with at least two members Section 9(6)(a). At least half of the committee must be worker representatives selected by other workers. Section 9(7) For certain types of farming operations regularly employing 20 or more workers, a JHSC is required. O.Reg. 414/05, s.3(1-2) 50+ You need to have a JHSC with at least four members Section 9(6)(b). At least half of the committee must be worker representatives selected by other workers. Section 9(7) Farming operations regularly employing 50 or more workers require certified members on their joint health and safety committees as set out in 9(12). O.Reg. 414/05, s.3(3) WSPS.CA

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