Guides & Toolkits

The Effective JHSC

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WORKPLACE SAFETY & PREVENTION SERVICES As a business partner and expert in risk management, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) provides industry-specifi c health & safety solutions to help its customers achieve their goals and grow the life of their business. Our solutions address economic realities and organizational risks, and help our 154,000 member fi rms achieve results that last: engaged employees, productivity improvements, reduced paper burden related to health and safety legislation and satisfi ed customers. The lasting results for our customers build a safer, more profi table Ontario. WSPS.CA 5110 Creekbank Road, Mississauga, ON L4W 0A1 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | T 905 614 1400 | F 905 614 1414 E This product contains a minimum of 10% Post-Consumer Waste and is 100% recyclable.   140-002-07-IGOT

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