Guides & Toolkits

The Effective JHSC

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THE EFFECTIVE JHSC 6 140-002-07-IGOT © 2013, Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) 1 877 494 WSPS (9777) | 905 614 1400 | 2. Informing the workers a. Tell workers how many worker positions need to be filled b. Tell workers how to nominate people for the positions 3. Inform nominees a. Provide the nominees with a description of the worker member position and confirm that they accept the nomination 4. Explain the voting process a. Tell all workers that they have the right to vote. Pick a voting date and method (email, ballot) b. Post worker member nominees names on the JHSC bulletin board c. Prepare voting material if needed (ballot box, voting form) 5. Vote a. Have the vote, tally results and inform the staff of successful nominees b. Remember to thank nominees individually for their interest and support Recruiting JHSC Members In the event that there are no volunteers for the JHSC, there are several strategies that can be used to encourage people to come forward. Some of these are: 1. Providing basic information about the JHSC so workers understand the role 2. Reinforce the fact that workers will be paid for time spent fulfilling duties on the JHSC 3. Reassure them that they will receive basic training on the JHSC and its functions 4. Point out that being a part of the JHSC is a valuable addition to their resume On the next page there is a sample written document you may use to post or email to workers as part of your recruitment efforts. The message is a positive one to workers about JHSC membership. WSPS.CA

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