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Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual

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JUNE 2013 APPENDIX C: STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURES FOR MECHANCIAL TURKEY LOADER Note: The following SOPs are generic and should be revised to refl ect the specifi c mechanical loader being used. Not all points listed will be applicable to every mechanical loader. General Guidelines for Individuals Using Loader (as applicable) 1. Do not wear loose fi tting clothing when working on the loader. 2. Use footwear that is in good condition. It must have a solid sole with good tread and cover the toes. No holes in the footwear are allowed. 3. Do a circle check of the loader prior to operating. 4. Familiarize yourself with the loader and its controls. Not all loaders have the same control functions. 5. Check the loader to ensure no guards are missing. 6. Ensure all stabilizer legs are set. 7. Report any defi ciencies to your supervisor and/or the farm manager (or designate). 8. Do not walk under the loader at any time when it is elevated. 9. Be aware of potential pinch points. 10. When working on the platform, keep your body and feet within the confi nes of the platform. 11. Keep your hands clear of the moving parts. (e.g. conveyor belt/truck pulling ahead). 12. Be aware of any other personnel that may be within the danger zone around the loader while in operation. 13. Push/pull lever slowly to prevent excessive jerking movements especially when lowering the loader. 14. Most loaders have controls on both sides allowing either loader/cooper to operate the loader. Some units only have controls on the operator side. i. Decide which operator will operate the controls. ii. If you are the control operator, be aware of the other loader/cooper prior to moving the loader. 52

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