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Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual

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JUNE 2013 Loading Procedure (as applicable) 1. Before allowing the truck to pull into position in front of the loader, extend the slide all the way out and then retract it two thirds of the way in. This will provide a margin of safety so that the slider can still be retracted if needed. 2. Position the end of the conveyor belt a little below the level of the coop fl oor to make it easier to place the birds onto the truck. 3. Staff within the barn will begin to herd poultry to the pre-loader or loader. 4. Ensure that the conveyor is running so that any birds that enter the loader begin to move up the conveyor. 5. Do not try and push too many birds onto the pick-up conveyor at one time. Putting smaller groups of birds on at a time will help keep the birds calmer and will allow the operators to maintain a slow steady belt speed. 6. In the case of a bird getting caught, fi rst determine how the bird is caught in the loader and either stop the conveyor or reverse the conveyor to free the bird. DO NOT put your fi ngers or hands into pinch points of the conveyor. The welfare of our workers and avoidance of injuries is very important and as such, extreme care should be taken if/when a bird gets caught. 7. Before allowing the truck to move so the next set of coops can be loaded, make sure you retract the slide back far enough to allow for suffi cient clearance between the loader and the truck. 8. When fi nished loading, lower the machine to its neutral position. Shut off or disconnect the power source. 9. If you are moving to another barn on the same farm, disassemble the catch pen gates and raise the pick-up conveyor. Use the house tongue accessory to move the loader to the next barn. 10.If the loader is to be transported a longer distance, re-attach the tow bar to the loader and use it to connect to the towing vehicle. 11. Make sure that the signal lights and brakes are working properly before traveling on any public roads 56

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