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Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual

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JUNE 2013 APPENDIX D: SAFETY CHECKLIST FOR NEW EMPLOYEES This is a sample checklist which can be used as part of your new employee orientation. It should be modifi ed to refl ect the specifi c farm practices and loading procedures. Check off each item as you discuss it with the new employee. 1. Where to keep personal belongings (e.g. clothing, personal tools, lunch). ________ 2. Location of emergency contact numbers. ________ 3. Clearly state who employees are to report to/identify the supervisor. ________ 4. Instruct employees to report any unsafe act, unsafe condition, an absence of or defect in equipment or protective devices to their supervisor immediately. ________ 5. If employees are injured at work, they are to report the incident (no matter how minor) immediately to their supervisor and seek fi rst aid or medical attention. ________ 6. Employees should not report to work under the infl uence of alcohol or drugs. If they are taking any medication that may affect their ability to work safely, they need to notify their supervisor immediately. ________ 7. Location of fi rst aid kit and fi re extinguisher. ________ ■ Fire extinguisher(s) should not be used for any other purpose than fi ghting fi res. If an employee discharges a fi re extinguisher, they need to advise their supervisor so it can be recharged immediately. ________ 8. Note that smoking is not permitted inside any facility and identify if there is a designated area. ________ 9. Review safety rules as applicable, including the reasons for each rule. ________ ■ Review Heat Stress symptoms if applicable (see attachment A) ________ ■ Personal protective equipment required (as applicable ) and why ________ ■ Awareness of potential mechanical hazards (e.g. fans) ________ ■ Review safety procedures for mechanical loaders and movement around trucks, tractors or other equipment ________ 58

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