Guides & Toolkits

Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual

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Page 60 of 71

JUNE 2013 ■ Awareness of uneven fl oors, manure pack, doorways, etc. (slips, trips and falls) ________ ■ Review safe lifting and loading techniques ________ ■ Location of fi re exit and marshaling area ________ 10. Emphasize that horseplay is not permitted as it can lead to accidents and injury ________ 11. Instruct employees to shut off all equipment before cleaning, repairing or adjusting. Ensure that materials and equipment are secured properly and that protective devices are in place before they operate any machinery ________ 12. Review Workplace Violence and Harassment policy (see attachment B) ________ 13. WHMIS training (if applicable) ________ Employee's Name: ____________________________ Signature: ________________________________ (Please print) Discussed by: _________________________________ Date: _______________________________ 59

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