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Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual

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JUNE 2013 TURKEY SAFE WORK PRACTICES DEFINED SCOPE The Turkey Safe Work Practices contain safety requirements for handling of live turkeys, using equip- ment to perform these activities and barn cleanout on turkey farm operations. PURPOSE The work practices provide safety criteria for workers involved in the turkey industry. APPLICATION The Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual is intended to apply to all employees engaged in the business or trade of catching /loading live turkeys on the farm and for activities related to barn cleanout. The document serves as a reference for work safety requirements for those engaged in these practices. The safe work practices may require situational modifi cations in response to personnel emergencies and is not intended to limit the options available to emergency responders. DETAILS OF THE TURKEY SAFE WORK PRACTICES MANUAL The document contains several pieces of information to be used to create a safer work environment. The user should follow the document and all supporting information. Each safe work practice document is broken into several sections: ■ Potential Hazards: hazards that may be encountered while performing the work. ■ Legislation: legislation that is applicable to the work practice and the supporting the Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual. ■ Mandatory Information: information required to follow when performing the specifi c work practice. ■ Work Practice: practices that should be used as a guideline for performing the work. IMPLEMENTATION DATE The implementation date for the Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual is January 1, 2014. 4

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