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Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual

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JUNE 2013 HOW TO USE THE TURKEY SAFE WORK PRACTICES MANUAL Ontario's farming sector came under the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) in 2006. To address and highlight the unusual hazards found on farms, Occupational Health and Safety Guide- lines were developed by representatives from the farming community, Farm Safety Association (now Workplace Safety and Prevention Services), Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ontario Ministry of Labour. Components of the OHS Guidelines have been referenced in the development of the Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual. The development of the Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual included a review of legislative require- ments found under the OHSA guidelines where applicable. The Safe Work Practices do not supersede legislative requirements but enhance what is found there. The Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual also does not supersede what is found in any manufacturer's instructions. In developing the Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual, each task was broken down to its most basic components and from those, a safe work practice was developed. There are no procedures in the Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual but a series of suggested practices to follow. Any task may be per- formed utilizing one or more practices, but the basic safety steps will always be the same no matter how the task is performed. Within the Turkey Safe Work Practices Manual words that have been bolded and/or are in italics are defi ned in the Glossary of Terms. 5

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